#Grateful #Gratitude #Love #Appreciation
I would like to express my complete gratitude for the wonderful Souls & relationships I have in my life…
My partner is so caring & kind & puts top priority into our relationship which is really special. Love him too bits…
My son Ryan, is a shining light of wisdom & kindness (& 18 yrs!) & we are super connected & close. He just emits pure love…
Sending love also to my Mum who is having quite a few health issues at home … (hugs to Mum) …
I have Divine & beautiful close friends who I love so much & who totally get me… it is so appreciated to be SEEN by the people in your life… for who you are & for many earlier years in this lifetime I did not feel this much at all!
They also make an effort to be present in my life …so thank you!
Then I have wonderful aligned friends that live dotted all around the globe South Africa to UK …. many in the USA & Australia, of course (lol!) & everywhere on planet Earth.
There are also Souls I connect with on Social Media that I don’t know as well but I can feel their amazing Light radiating out to the World & it really is lovely to have them in my Sphere…
The beautiful relationships I am so grateful to have are incredible Mentors, Way-showers, Spiritual Teachers & Leaders many of whom I have interviewed that I can now call friends.
We are all equally precious & infinite Divine Be-ings & I am so grateful to have you all in my life.
It is just such a joy & support to feel this aligned energy in my Quantum field.
I won’t mention any names because I wouldn’t want to leave anyone out but your hearts will feel me speaking to you…
Today I honour, thank & send love to you all…
also love & compassion to anyone experiencing challenges at this time & I surround you in love & light & wish you strength at this time…
PS. If you would like to join me on Me We Platform here is my link
mewe.com/i/medyhnelebachen2 (in case FB becomes obsolete)… XX